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The FAST-Infra Label calls for Solar PV and Onshore Wind Projects to Rollout the Revised FAST-Infra Framework

The FAST-Infra Label calls for Solar PV and Onshore Wind Projects to Rollout the Revised FAST-Infra Framework

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Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation (GIB) and Bloomberg L.P, as the Secretariat and  data repository of the FAST-Infra Sustainable Infrastructure® (FAST-Infra) Label respectively, together invite Solar PV and Onshore Wind projects to the Initial FAST-Infra Rollout phase.  

Selected projects will contribute data, assess eligibility, and help shape sustainable infrastructure. Successful applicants will work closely with Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation and Bloomberg, gain access to expertise and take part in valuable networking. The FAST-Infra Label framework aims to certify projects meeting sustainability and environmental standards and offering early adopters recognition and support for sustainable infrastructure advancement.

Other assets and sectors: FAST-Infra Label acknowledges the importance of rapidly expanding the framework to other assets and sectors. We invite interested players to share their interest by filling up the available online form. This will help us target strategic sectors for the coming rollouts and keep you informed of upcoming FAST-Infra developments.

Project developers, operators, and stakeholders should submit applications highlighting key operational details and environmental benefits. Projects with exceptional sustainability features and impact potential will receive priority.

By participating, projects contribute to the development of the FISI Label Framework, benefit from individual appraisal interviews and are potentially amongst the first projects to receive the FAST-Infra Provisional Label. Successful projects will strengthen their reputation in the infra space, enabling them to attract further support.

If your project matches this scope, apply now!

Further Reading