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You can register and self assess your infrastructure project through this simple process. Infrastructure assets that meet all requirements of the FAST-Infra Framework will qualify for a FAST-Infra Label.

Labelling process

Start your FAST-Infra Label journey with a quick and complimentary Self-assessment. Register your project to gain access!

Complete Process

Register your project on the FAST-Infra Label Application Portal.*
Confirm that the project meets required compliances.
Check project compliance to FAST-Infra Label criteria.
Self-assessed Label automatically awarded on the portal.
3rd Party Verification.
Final Label awarded.

Register your project on the FAST-Infra Label Application Portal.

FAST-Infra Label can be applied at all lifecycle stages including planning, designing, constructing and operating.

Apply for Self-assessed Label

While we are working on the Application Portal, gain your Self-assessed Label by clicking here.

Confirm that the project meets required compliances

Minimum Safeguards

Confirm status of the project documents and adherence to baseline compliances such as overarching guidelines of the Environmental and Social Performance Standards of the International Finance Coalition (IFC), Equator Principles, ESIA, ESMS, etc.

Check project compliance to FAST-Infra Label criteria

Know More

Baseline Requirements

Infrastructure assets need to adhere to 14 FAST-Infra Label sustainability objectives across four dimensions of sustainability – Environmental, Social, Governance, and Adaptation & Resilience. These have been curated from best practice reference frameworks and standards in the market.

Significant Positive Contribution

The infrastructure assets need to showcase that at least 1 criterion meets the positive contribution threshold to a sustainability objective. This could be by demonstrating an alignment to one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Self-assessed Label automatically awarded on the portal.

3rd Party Verification

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An external, third-party review shall be conducted by technical experts independent from the infrastructure asset owner, project financier and contracting public authorities.

Verified Label awarded.

Infrastructure assets that meet all requirements of the FISI Framework will be able to conduct self-assessment and qualify for a FISI Label through this simple process:

*FAST-Infra Label
Application Portal

Currently, the FAST-Infra Label Secretariat is working on building an application portal, a technical platform to disclose, report, and measure information about the labelled projects.