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The FAST-Infra Label’s Mission to China

The FAST-Infra Label’s Mission to China

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In a significant stride toward international collaboration on sustainable infrastructure, the FAST-Infra Label Secretariat led a recent mission to China as a part of its outreach development effort. As the world watches China's rapid infrastructure expansion, the importance of integrating sustainable development goals has never been more crucial. The FAST-Infra Label, renowned for its quality assessment and commitment to promoting sustainable practices, is now at the forefront of this transformative journey.

A Convergence of Visions

From February 21st to 26th, the Secretariat embarked on strategic discussions with China's key infrastructure players, marking a pivotal moment for sustainable development. The mission began with an insightful dialogue with CHINCA (China International Contractors Association), GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme), underscoring the FAST-Infra Label's critical role in their work. The discussions delved into how the label could be featured prominently in their projects and events, highlighting the potential for profound impacts on sustainable infrastructure.


Fostering Green Partnerships

A notable highlight was the discussion with the Belt and Road Initiative Green Coalition (BRIGC) which revealed a shared ambition for greening international investments. BRIGC's enthusiasm for mutual recognition and collaboration with the FAST-Infra Label is symbolic of a collective commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainable financial practices.


Partnerships for the Future

Engagements with HSBC China brought to light the challenges and opportunities in harmonising assessment methods for sustainable investments. These discussions not only paved the way for new project assessments under the FAST-Infra Label but also opened doors for investment in labelled projects. The upcoming seminar organised by the Green Investment Principles (GIP) for the Belt and Road on sustainable infrastructure disclosure and financing, titled "Unlocking Success in Sustainable Infrastructure Financing: Addressing Challenges and Leveraging Opportunities in Disclosure", on March 28th in Beijing.

Concrete Commitments and Sustainable Futures

Meetings with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and a leading Chinese think tank, GF60 (Green Finance 60), reinforced the importance of concrete project finance and sustainability. These interactions highlighted the FAST-Infra Label's role in fostering dialogue and action among Chinese renewable energy companies and associations through its Public Consultation.

Reflecting on the Journey

The FAST-Infra Label Secretariat's visit to China has laid the groundwork for enduring partnerships and the collective pursuit of a more sustainable, resilient infrastructure network. The enthusiastic reception and the alignment of visions with Chinese stakeholders herald a promising future for global sustainability efforts.

As we reflect on this milestone mission, it's clear that the path to sustainable infrastructure is a collaborative one, demanding the convergence of global efforts and local actions. The FAST-Infra Label stands ready to guide and support these endeavours, driving us closer to a greener, more sustainable world.

Further Reading